Caring and Sharing
Mission: To financially support children and families in need at Encinal School. This year, 74 families (12% of Encinal students) are in need of our help. We're very proud of the generosity of our wonderful community, which enables this program to support Encinal families in need throughout the year and particularly during the holidays.
Fall Book Fair eWallets
Volleyball & Basketball Scholarships
Holiday Fundraiser (please see below)
Holiday Fundraiser: With your generosity, our C&S program aims to provide Encinal families in need with:
- A Thanksgiving community dinner at school
- Homemade cookies from our Girl Scouts
- Thanksgiving Safeway gift cards for holiday meals
- Winter gift cards for December holiday meals
- Winter gift cards for December holiday presents
Donations: .
Here is our aim for what generous donations at different levels will provide:
- $400 donation provides 2 families with food for a Thanksgiving meal, Holiday meal, and a toy for each child
- $200 donation provides 1 family with food for a Thanksgiving meal, Holiday meal, and a toy for each child
- $100 donation provides 1 family with food for a Thanksgiving meal and Holiday meal
- $50 donation provides 1 family with food for a Thanksgiving meal
Any donation is greatly appreciated!
Donations are accepted year-round via the following options:
- Check made payable to "Encinal Parent Teacher Organization"
- Cash
- Zelle:
- Paypal:
(Cash or checks can be given to Meg Morley in the front office in an envolope labeled "Caring & Sharing". Please note we are not able to accept Venmo payments at this time, we apologize for any inconvenience!)