Optional School Lunch Program at Encinal
Encinal School is piloting a "Grab-and-Go" lunch system starting on August 22, 2024. Participating in the school lunch program is optional: Families may either send a lunch from home with their student or choose the Optional School Lunch Program.
For those choosing the Optional School Lunch Program, please use this FAQ to familiarize yourself with the program:
How does the Grab-and-Go lunch program work?
- Food is provided by The LunchMaster. Popular selections will be offered on a daily basis.
- Students/families DO NOT need an account with LunchMaster to access food.
Menu selections DO NOT need to be made in advance. Families will no longer be ordering via the LunchMaster website.
The popular daily selections will include vegan and gluten free options. The daily menu will be posted at school.
Students will enter the lunch line and select what they want to eat on that day. Students will enter the first three letters of their last name when checking out a lunch. Younger students will have assistance as needed.
Choices will be available on a first come, first served basis. Please note we always have a compliant meal of cereal, fruit and milk available. All students who participate will receive food.
Why is the district making this change?
- Reduce food waste,
- ease the ordering burden for families, and
- limit the amount of required volunteer hours to keep the program running successfully.
What do parents/guardians need to do for their child to access the Optional School Lunch Program?
Nothing! Tell your child to go to Encinal’s kitchen and pick up a breakfast before school, or a lunch during their lunch time. All students have access to breakfast and lunch meals each day through this program, free of charge.
Where can parents view the monthly menu?
The monthly menu will be published in the Encinal newsletter.
My child has allergies. How will they know what foods they can and can not have?
The Optional School Lunch Program is a free and optional lunch program that is run by parent volunteers. Given that the law prohibits schools from sharing student health information, including allergies, with volunteers, it's important to educate your child on their food allergies. Allergens will be listed on the daily menu for students to view. If your child is young and needs assistance, please contact your child’s teacher. If you are concerned your child will be unhappy or unable to eat the food that is available, please pack a lunch from home.
Are there any nuts in any of the lunches?
No. The LunchMaster is a nut-free facility.
What time is breakfast served?
Breakfast is available from 7:30-8:15 a.m. daily outside the kitchen, and in the kindergarten yard for our kindergarteners. TK Breakfast will be available at the TK gate entrance where parents can sign out a meal for their child. TK students arriving via carpool or bus will still have access to breakfast options.
How will students know about the change?
Please let your students know! We will also be communicating these changes to students in class and there will be signage around campus.
My child has never used the school’s lunch program. Can they start now?
Yes. Your student may come to the kitchen during breakfast and lunch hours and choose their meal for that day.
Does the school still need parent volunteers to help serve lunch?
Absolutely! Volunteer hours are daily from 11:10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This is a rewarding and wonderful volunteer opportunity.
How do I volunteer?
Join the ParentSquare lunch volunteer group (click here for link) and/or email Laura Wiggs (hotlunch@encinalschool.com)
Where do I direct my questions?
If you have any questions, or need assistance, please email Laura Wiggs (hotlunch@encinalschool.com)