Afternoon Pick-Up
- Grades K, 1st, 2nd - 2:35pm; Thursdays at 1:30pm
- Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th - 3:00 pm; Thursdays at 1:50 PM (NOTE: Thursday's dismissal is earlier than younger grades)
- Minimum Days: Please see the school calendar for minimum days when ALL students are dismissed at 11:20 AM.
- Afterschool Supervision of K-2nd Grade students waiting on 3rd-5tth Grade students:
- Parents with children in both primary and upper grades should wait until the later dismissal time (3:00 PM on M, T, W, and F) to pick up children. Younger siblings who are waiting for third, fourth, and fifth graders will be supervised by Encinal staff.
- Upper-grade children should meet waiting siblings in the small multiuse room before proceeding to buses, bikes or the carpool zone. On Thursdays, upper-grade children waiting for younger siblings should arrange to meet in the carpool zone.
This will be mailed to homes of families with students in grades kindergarten through Second Grade before school starts. Parents please complete the “Transportation Information Sheet” and bring it to the Meet and Greet on Friday, Aug. 19 and give to your teacher. This will allow their teacher to guide them to the correct location for after school pickup. This sheet is critical for the child and teacher to know where to go after school. Any change in pick-up schedule must be in writing to the office and to your child’s teacher. Third, fourth, and fifth-grade students are expected to know their plan. Teachers will ask upper graders about their plans and direct them to the correct locations.
Walking and biking are strongly encouraged! Not only do this help prevent traffic and pollution, but it’s great exercise.
Where to meet your student:
- Kindergarteners will be supervised by a teacher in the kindergarten yard until claimed by an adult. Parents please wait outside of the fence and meet your child(ren) promptly at dismissal time.
- 1st and 2nd Graders will wait to be met in the walkway between the kindergarten and 1st Grade Halls. Children will be supervised by a teacher until claimed by an adult. Please meet your child(ren) there promptly at dismissal time.
- 3-5th Grades are not required to meet an adult to walk or ride their bikes home. However, parents can arrange with their students where to meet on campus if they are walking or biking home together.
To park and walk in, please follow these guidelines and plan to meet your younger children (K-2) at the designated waiting areas (see Walk and Bike above). For older students (3-5th grade), parents can arrange with their students where to meet on campus.
- Parking lots - Limited parking is available to parents in designated ‘Visitor’ parking spaces in the circular drive in front of Encinal school and in the TERC parking lot next to the District Office. The new parking lot behind the 4th and 5th Grade Complex is reserved for staff parking only.
- Street Parking - There is some street parking available on surrounding streets. Please pay close attention to the parking signs as a courtesy to our neighbors and to avoid getting a parking ticket. Please be aware that parking is prohibited on some streets or for certain hours of the day. The Atherton Police will issue tickets.
- There is some street parking in Felton Gables but not in the first few blocks. Read the street signs carefully on when and where you can park.
- There is some street parking along the Southbound side of Middlefield Road. Please be cautious of fast moving traffic on Middlefield.
- During afternoon pick-up, do NOT park along the drop-off curb in front of the school.
- Please do not park in the staff parking spaces during school hours.
- Lock unattended vehicles and keep valuables out of site.
After school dismissal, parents can pick up children via the curbside pick-up in front of Encinal school using the following process. Thank you for reading this carefully so that we can keep all of our students safe and the Pick-Up Lane can operate efficiently.
Pick-up lane cards:
- You MUST have an official Encinal Pick-Up Lane number and card to pick up a child by vehicle using the Encinal pick-up lane in front of the school. No Registration Required. Every family will be automatically assigned a unique Family Pick-up Lane Number.
- Your Family Pick-Up Lane cards will be available at the Meet and Greet in your youngest child’s classroom. Cards that are not picked up will be sent home with students on the first day of school.
- Your Pick-Up Lane card needs to be prominently displayed on the right side of your windshield of your vehicle or on your right shade visor to make it easy for Staff to see your Pick-Up Number.
- Your Family Pick-Up Number allows you to pick up the children in your family. You are not obligated to use the drive-through pick-up – you may still park and walk, bike, or use the bus, as long as your child’s teacher knows where to expect you.
- CARPOOL: We highly encourage families to form carpools with friends or people that live in their neighborhood to help reduce the traffic at school. If you wish to pick up children other than your own on a regular basis, you can simply use one of the assigned Family Pick-Up Lane numbers. If you prefer to request a new pick-up lane number to be used for the group of students you will pick up, you can make this request by clicking this email address at
- REQUEST ADDITIONAL CARDS: If you need additional pick-up lane cards for babysitter, grandparents or others that will be picking up your child, please click on this email address to submit a request to
- Even if you don't usually pick up by vehicle, please keep your Family Pick-Up Lane card in case you need to pick up your child by vehicle due to weather or other circumstances.
- Your Carpool Pick-Up Number allows you to pick up the children registered under your Carpool Pick-Up Number.
- NEW FAMILIES: If your student starts at Encinal after the first day of school and you need a Pick-Up Lane card, please request Pick-Up Lane cards from the school office.
When may I enter the Pick-Up Lane?
If you have Kinder, 1st, and 2nd graders ONLY on your Pick-Up Lane Number –
You will receive a yellow Pick-Up Lane card that entitles you to enter the Pick-Up Lane beginning at 2:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; at 1:40 on Thursday; and at 11:20 on Minimum Days.
If you have students at both dismissal times on your Pick-Up Lane Number –
Parents who need to pick up children in both primary (K-2) and upper grades (3-5) should wait until the later dismissal time (3:00 PM on M, T, W, and F) to pick up children. Younger siblings who are waiting for third, fourth, and fifth graders will be supervised by staff. If you plan to have your child wait for an older sibling, please indicate your plans on the Transportation Sheet for your K-2 grader.
You will receive a yellow Pick-Up Lane card that can be used for the earlier dismissal time (see times listed above) if the older child is taking different transportation home or if you want to pick-up the younger child and return for the later dismissal time for the older student.
Upper-grade children should meet waiting siblings in the small multi before proceeding to the carpool zone. On Thursdays, upper-grade children waiting for younger siblings should arrange to meet in the carpool zone.
If you have 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders ONLY on your Pick-Up Lane Number –
You will receive a blue Pick-Up Lane card that entitles you to enter the Pick-Up Lane beginning at 3:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; at 1:20 on Thursday; and at 11:20 on Minimum Days.
You will NOT be able to enter the Pick-Up lane earlier as it will interfere with the Pick-Up of the younger students. Thank you for your cooperation!
How the Pick-Up Lane Works for Students:
- At dismissal, students go to the supervised area on the benches and grassy area in front of the school facing Encinal Avenue. In the case of rain, the students will wait in the multipurpose room.
- Your children are responsible for learning and memorizing their Pick-Up Number(s) so that they can quickly respond to Staff when their Pick-Up Lane number is called.
- Students need to listen carefully for their Pick-Up number to be called and be looking for their pick-up vehicle.
- Children are supervised in the carpool area until 15 minutes after school dismissal, or until all children are picked up. Children who remain after this time are taken to the school office to wait.
How the Pick-Up Lane Works for Parents:
- Cars arriving to pick-up students must form a single line in the pick-up lane and display a Pick-Up Lane Card given out each year by the PTO. When the Pick-Up Lane is full it will overflow onto Encinal Avenue.
- Please pull up as far as you can along the curb so that as many cars as possible can fit along the curb for loading. Staff will direct you.
- Please remain in your vehicle as you will need to move up frequently.
- Please try to load your children as quickly and safely as possible.
- Please do not block crosswalks or the parking lot entrance/exit.
- If you arrive early and need to get out of your car, you should be back at your car BEFORE the first dismissal bell rings at 2:30 or 1:20 to move your car. Many people are waiting to pick up their children and to go home, or to soccer, or ballet, or swimming, or piano lessons, pull forward (don't stop where your child is - they can walk to you!) and load them into the car quickly.
- If your child or group is not available when you arrive at the pick-up area, you may be asked to drive around again to collect your group. This helps prevents excessive delays while teachers relocate children to the right place.
- We kindly invite everyone to be as kind and patient as possible in the Pick-Up Lane especially in the first few weeks of school as everyone is getting used to the process and also later in the year as there will inevitably be a school visitor who accidentally parks in the Pick-Up Lane or a visiting relative who comes through the Pick-Up lane and doesn't fully understand the process. Thank you in advance for your patience!
After School Care Transportation Vans
- District Bus:
The District offers a K-2 route that runs mornings and afternoons including Thursdays and minimum days. This bus is available also to third graders in the morning only. The bus loading zone is located in the bus bay on Encinal Avenue in front of the office. Primary students are walked to and from the bus by a staff member. Click here for more info.- Is there a sign-up? Yes
- Is there a fee? Yes
- Scholarships are offered for Free and Reduced Lunch families
- SamTrans:
SamTrans runs several bus routes to and from the campuses in the Menlo Park City School District, including Encinal school. These bus routes are used by many of our third, fourth and fifth-grade students. The bus loading zone is next to the TERC (map). Route 8301 is the morning pickup route. There are two afternoon buses picking up at Encinal, 8304 and 8306, and they run different routes. Be sure your child knows how to find the correct route home. Click here for more info.- Is there a sign-up? No
- Is there a fee? Yes
- Tinsley Buses:
Students going home on the Tinsley bus route to East Palo and East Menlo Park meet the buses in the bus bay in front of the office following upper-grade dismissal. Primary students are supervised and then guided to the bus bay for pick up. Contact Pam Garcia in the Encinal office for more info (650-326-5164 ext. 1000 or
- Shuttle to Laurel (ASIST):
Shuttle buses are available for parents who prefer to pick up at Laurel School. Signups took place last spring and the District is keeping a waiting list, which often clears. There is a new bus added at 3 pm which departs from the back of school near the 4th/5th-grade wing by Middlefield Rd.
- The 3:00 p.m. yellow shuttle meets third, fourth and fifth graders in the bus bay in front of the office.
- A new 3:00 p.m. white shuttle will meet third, fourth and fifth-grade students behind the fourth and fifth-grade complex, and it does not run on Thursdays or minimum days.
- The white 2:30 p.m. K-2 shuttle meets students in the pickup lane in front of the District Office, and it also does not run on Thursdays or minimum days.
- Is there a sign-up? - Yes
- Is there a fee? - No
- Burgess:
The City of Menlo Park operates after-school care at the Menlo Day Care Center located next to Burgess Park at 801 Laurel St. There is a van that shuttles students from Encinal to Burgess after school every school day. Children waiting to ride the Burgess van will be supervised on the large playground. Information about this shuttle is available through the Menlo Day Care Center. Click here for more info.
- Newton Childcare:
The District has an agreement with a private day care provider, Newton Childcare, to transport students from Encinal to their facility. Students going to Newton meet the buses in the bus bay in front of the office following upper-grade dismissal. Primary students are supervised and then guided to the bus bay for pick up. Click here for more info.